Saturday, October 31, 2009
RC Concrete Design Using EC2
In the coming weeks, I hope I could post all the spreadsheets in my blogs.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Beam Flexural & Shear Design to CSA A23.3-04
The program is easier to use than the commercial software as the input can be altered any time and the design check is clearly printed so that check can be carried out manually, if needed. The program was cross-checked with commercial software and found to be adequate.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Composite Steel Column to EC4 Using Excel & Calc
A screenshot of the rectangular concrete column with steel I-section is show below:
Reinforcement can also be added to the section. Moment capacity check and interaction ratio check according to EC4 will also be carried out.
Similarly, the program can also carried out concrete filled circular section CHS, rectangular section RHS and square section SHS.The excel and calc spreadsheet were tested using examples and also compared with the EC4 capacity tables listed in the handbook. The results are exact and proved to be accurate.
For the same Excel and Calc spreadsheet, section capacity check for steel section subject to axial force, bending moment and shear force are also included. The section check is applicable to UB or UC section with fully restraint or non-restraint conditions. User will need to input the restraint length to calculate the buckling moment capacity.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Flatplate with shearwalls system is use as the structural system. The design is very efficient and won the Construction Excellency Award and Buildable Award from Building Authority of Singapore (BCA).
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Structural Subframe Analysis Using OpenOffice
Slowing but painfully, the macro take shape and finally Subframe analysis and Design Program in BS8110 is available in OpenOffice Calc.
In the next few post, I will demonstrate the screen shots of my program. I will like to collaborate with anyone that can incorporate the DXF drafting portion in the program.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Subframe/ Continuous Beam using Excel
Input : 1) By clicking the macro, the input screen would ask for number of span, support conditions, beams span lengths, beam and column sizes in a sequential way.
2) Next step is to invoke the Input Load Type macro.
3) You can input maximum 10 load cases for each spans. Uniformly distributed load, triangular load, point load, trapezoidal load and linear load are all the load cases.
4) No analysis step is needed as analysis will be completed the moment the last load case is completed.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Develop spreadsheet program for Structural Analysis & Design
If you find my spreadsheet programs relevant, you could help me by introducing my blogs to the Canadian engineering consulting firms. In the future few blogs, I will paste some of the screen shots of my programs. If you find my programs relevant and useful, please give me your comment. I would like to improve on them. If you are from the Canadian Civil and Structural Consulting community, I would appreciate you could recommend my blogs to them. It will help me to find job opportunity in the future.
Some of the programs are :
1) Continuous &Subframe Analysis and Design (Excel & Calc) - This program analyses and design continuous beams or subframe using moment distribution methods. Moments and shear forces envelope are based on BS8110 requirements but the programs can analyse more rigorous loading patterns if needed. The maximum number of span is 10 and can carry out analysis on cantilever ends, fixed ends etc. Excel macro is added to the programs to ease the input of spans and loadings. However, the programs can still work if the macro is disable, it will only be a more cumbersome input steps only. The program had been tested rigirously with commercial software such as SAP2000, Prokon Continuous Beams, TopCad Beam and some textbooks examples. All the results tally exactly.
The program is also writtten in OpenOffice and run perfectly well. In future post, I will denote as (Excel & Calc) for Microsoft Excel format and OpenOffice Calc format.
The design module is an add-on and can be carried out separately from the analysis portion. Currently the design is in BS8110 (1985, 1997). CSA A23.3-04 code is currently implementing.
2) Reinforced Concrete Section Analysis (Rectangular Beams, Rectangular and Circular Column) - (Excel & Calc) Every engineer writes a program to design moment and shear for RC sections once in their work life. I developed more than section design. This is a capacity check of rectangular beam and column and circular column. The analysis is carried out using first principle and reinforcement arrangement can be asymmetric. Macro is written to accelerate the iteration process but without the macro, the program will still work.
Currently, the program is written in both BS8110 and CSA A23.3-04.
3) Beam Design (Excel & Calc) - Design the reinforcement requirements of beam section for bending moment, shear force and torsional force. This is a typical beam design program that is used on daily basis.
The program can design in both BS8110 and CSA A23.3-04.
4) Pilecap Design (Excel & Calc) - Design of pilecap for pilegroup of 2 to 6 piles. The pile arrangement need to be regular in order for the program to work.
5) Box Drain Design (Excel & Calc) - Design of box culvert using coefficient given in Reynold Handbook. The program was tested using SAP2000 plane frame with numerous load patterns and cases. Results proved to be exactly.
6) Retaining wall Design (Excel & Calc) - Design of L shape retaining walls and checking of factor of safety for sliding, overturning and bearing pressure. The soil can be on the heel or toe of the retaining walls making the program very versatile to use.
7) Corbel Design and Deep Beam Design (Excel & Calc - Design corbel and deep beam using strut and tie model.
8) One way and Two Way spanning slab analysis and design (Excel & Calc)
9) Pile Penetration Design (Excel & Calc) - The concept of the pile design varies between different countries and regions. In this part of the world, the concept of Meyerhoff Method is used. The method depends on the SPT values to calculate the skin friction and endbearing capacity. The results have been proven to be reliable as instrumented load tests carried out in the pass 15 years in most project had correlate reasonably well.
10) Steel section design (Excel & Calc) - the program can check the capacity of the steel UB & UC subjected to biaxial bending, axial force and shear.
11) Street Strut Design (Excel & Calc) - The program is use for the design of temporary steel strut to support sheetpile walls, Diaphragm wall and Contiguous Bored Pile wall. It had also taken into account of one-strut failure scenario with reduce factor of safety.
12) Composite Steel Column Design to EC4 (Excel & Calc) - The program can calculate the capacities of concrete encased rectangular and circular steel UB & UC and concrete filled hollow section.
13) Pad footing design (Excel & Calc)- generally a single columns pad design program
14) Eccentricities of piles in a group checking (Excel & Calc) - After pile installation, the eccentricites of piles during installation will create eccentricities in the pilegroup. The program check the group eccentricities for both symmetric and asymmetric pile arrangement.
15) Underground water sump capacities check and surface drain size calculation
There are still many programs that I have not listed out. I the next blog, I will have some of the screenshots to share.